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GDPR Compliance Statement

Date of Statement: Oct 31, 2018

In May of 2018 the European Union implemented their General Data Protection Regulation hereafter referred to as GDPR. The GDPR intension is to formally normalize across the European Union regulations imposed on companies that process and/or control personal data.

Astral Hearts does not specifically operate inside of the European Union. Astral Hearts services are not restricted from operating within the European Union however our market is the United States of America and as such we do not specifically address usage within the European Union.

Astral Hearts supports the intrinsic value the EU has attempted to mandate for companies who have web sites which store personal data from users some of which may be personal, intimate and sensitive. As such Astral Hearts takes this intension into account whenever we work with users personal data. Astral Hearts intension is to be sure that we treat others as we would like to be treated. We do not allow access to user data outside of Astral Hearts for any purpose. Inside of Astral Hearts we respect users data and hold that data in our confidence.

Read more about how Astral Hearts manages private and sensitive data in our Privacy Policy Section.